Our Services
Acupuncture is a technique used within Chinese medicine to address underlying imbalances within the body. Chinese medicine is a complete medicine used to prevent, diagnose and treat illness. Acupuncture works by manipulating energy and blood flow throughout the body, helping to increase circulation, reduce inflammation, and improve overall health. All sessions include a consultation to address any health concerns followed by an acupuncture treatment that will leave you feeling relaxed, balanced and rejuvenated.
Facial Acupuncture is a non-surgical approach to addressing fine lines, wrinkles and sagging skin. The Acu-facial includes a consultation which addresses systemic imbalances in the body that may be contributing to skin problems, followed by facial acupuncture to help stimulate collagen production, and facial gua sha to lift, tone and contour the muscles of the face.
Cupping/Gua Sha
Cupping is a technique often used in pain management. The goal of cupping is to help improve blood flow, which results in a reduction of pain and inflammation. The technique involves placing suction cups on the body, allowing stagnant blood to come to the surface so that fresh blood can circulate through the affected area, ultimately facilitating the healing process.
Gua Sha is a technique which involves using a tool to scrape and massage the surface of the skin. This technique helps to relax the fascia and soft tissue, helping to improve blood flow.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Chinese herbal medicine is another modality used in combination with acupuncture. Chinese herbs are used as a holistic approach, addressing the root cause of illness rather than just treating the symptom. After a thorough consultation, an herbal formula may be prescribed to address your signs and symptoms as well as any underlying imbalances. All herbal formulas can be customized and prescribed per your unique pattern.